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    Supercharge your offshore staff: when to outsource software development

    Supercharge your offshore staff: when to outsource software development
    Mark Engelmann
        2 minute read

    Developing software is a crucial part of business today. However, having the time and money to stay ahead of your competition can be challenging. Generally the cost of development can far outweigh the potential benefits of developing the software. Offshoring parts of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can help you avoid inefficiencies and improve your return on investment (ROI).

    Imagine having the resources to develop software that will allow you to surpass your competition. Not only for a fraction of the price but in a timely and efficient manner - afterall, you want to be the first to market right?

    Careful consideration needs to be taken when deciding which steps to offshore and which ones to keep local. It can be challenging to find a local software developer that is willing and able to take on the task that you require. Upon finding the right person for the job it will be to no surprise that they will demand top dollar. Although a local Senior Software Engineer/Developer is required to lead an offshore team and complete the more complex stages of the cycle, offshoring certain steps in the process can save you a significant amount of time and money.

    Considerations for software development outsourcing:

    1. Time

      Time is crucial in software development. Time is money especially when you are paying top dollar for a capable software developer. With the rapid pace of technological change in the world, taking too long to develop it will result in the software becoming obsolete before it is even finished. Alternatively, taking too long could result in someone else beating you to the gate and you losing your First Mover Advantage.
    2. Security

      Intellectual property needs to be protected when working on software projects. If your idea is leaked or copied, you stand to lose your entire investment. Working with a professional and reputable offshoring company will ensure your data is secure and protected.
    3. Talent/Quality

      Quality software developers are hard to find and they demand high wages. Expanding your search from local to global will help you find more talent. Sourcing quality software developers in lower cost economies will reduce the development costs and the project’s risk profile.
    4. Geography

      Not all steps in the SDLC are appropriate for offshoring. Some of the more complex steps require your software specialist to be local. However, offshoring certain tasks will reduce the workload for your onshore team member. This task delegation could translate into a local part-time or contract role, rather than a full-time employee.

    Which tasks to send offshore:

    1. Development

      The development stage of the cycle involves writing the actual code for the software. This process drains resources and can take a long time if you do not have sufficient resources to throw at it. The SDLC is not linear and you will bounce between coding, testing, and re-coding several times before the software is bug-free and ready for release.

      By hiring software developers in low-cost economies, like the Philippines, you will save money and time in the development stage. Wages, facilities, and resources are cheaper so you will be able to hire more staff at a lower cost than if you hired staff locally. You will decrease cycle time by having more people working on the task. Offshoring will also allow you to access a wider talent pool for the job - especially important given the scarcity of high quality software devs.
    2. Testing

      Testing is a vital step in the SDLC. This step ensures all bugs and issues are identified. To ensure accuracy during testing testers need to take their time and work to a testing plan. Software testing is a highly repetitive job that has to be completed with every new cut of code. Outsourcing the testing component saves time, money, and improves staff satisfaction.

    What next?

    Contact us, today, if you’re interested in offshoring but still concerned about protecting your IP.